Sunday, September 20, 2009

9/20 Project HOME REHAB; it will take a village

Jean's note (in italics below) to Chuck reminds me of the word I need to get out to Chuck's Circle: When Chuck comes home this week, we're going to be rigorously rehab-minded and I'd like for people who can to commit to regular times to do regular kinds of things to get on our weekly calendar for the next 4 weeks.

Think in terms of 15-30 minutes for learning or stimulating activities and 1-2 hours for simple Chuck-sitting so I can make phone calls or get to my own appointments.

15-30 minute activities: golf (putting); YMCA activities (daily with me and hopefully some time with other friends in hot pool or other activities); walks; trombone rehab; writing; computer; other activities

1-2 hours: involve sitting with Chuck and simple assistance when he walks around and help with stairs, keeping him safe in terms of balance.

Chuck - I am available next Tuesday to help unpack or work in the house to get things in order for your homecoming. Is there something specific that I can do to help?
Once you are home, we can pick at day that I can help with language stimulation or transportation so that Auburn can accomplish other things that need to be done.
Normally Tuesdays are days when I have free time. Glad to hear that you are free of the stomach tube at last!!
Get strong - Jean Hamed

Jean's got the right approach and I'm hoping others will be willing to offer quality time and assistance. For most things, it's all about taking normal, every day tasks and breaking them down into smaller parts so Chuck can re-learn the activity. Yesterday, we had him get his trombone out and construct it, then show us how to put it back in its case. I'd like one of his musician friends to help him walk back through making notes on it. Golfing, swimming, computers, writing -- same thing. Once he gets through it once or twice cognitively, it's his again.

More on this as we go. It's going to "take a village" to rehab Chuck as his sister Barb said.

1 comment:

  1. Chuck, Don Kaser from the Barberton Rotary Club would love to help you with your trombone rehab being a 'bone player himself. I, Ruth Kaser, would be happy to help you at the computer.
    Our bicycle shop is closed on Wednesdays, so we have free time available. Once you are home we can pick some time you visit you.
    Don and Ruth Kaser
