Monday, September 21, 2009

9/21 A visit to Grand Ave, the Alpha and Omega church, and a healing


Our first stop yesterday was to the apartment on Grand. As we walked toward the porch, I asked Chuck if he had any memories. "Good memories!" he declared. We have years of wonderful memories in this neighborhood.


After entering the building and surveying one apartment that needs paint and carpet, we went down to the tiny Alpha and Omega church on the corner. Pastor Angelina Davis saw us and rushed down the aisle weeping, encircled us both in a mighty hug and thanked God. We have been friends for several years and in recent times Chuck had offered her some help and advice about how to sustain and grow her little church. Chuck said, "Hallelujah!" several times along with the praying, weeping women. They were heartened to hear of our continued interest and commitment to the neighborhood. Pastor Davis arises at 3:30 every morning and prays for many hours and has done so for many many years. She is a holy woman, deeply connected.

We talked about Pastor Davis' calling to intecessory prayer and Chuck said, "That is very difficult. Not everybody can do that." He also said, "Many many people will know Him because of what we're doing. People we don't even know about."

I thought Gwen's gift of the story of Jonah to Lauren was somewhat emblematic. (Was the coma Chuck's whale?)


So, sometime in July under heavy duress and a moment of despair, I started smoking again after having quit over a decade ago. I wasn't smoking a ton, but I definitely developed an instant reliance/enslavement. I spoke to Shelley and Stacey about it and they immediately took to prayer and sent me a number of prayers, songs, tools perspectives (including bubbles to blow instead). I won't go into a lengthy discussion of the process and all the ways I prayed, but late one night, the clear thought came, "You may think you are only affecting yourself with smoking, but what if I told you your attachment to this dark thing also limits Chuck." The cessation was effortless. No resolutions, no willpower. I was completely released.

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