Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Set-back 6/8/10

Chuck broke his collarbone yesterday while mowing the lawn. He pitched forward off of a small slope and landed on his shoulder on the concrete of our driveway. Very very painful. Trip to the Emergency Room.

He'll have to wear a sling for 4-6 weeks, discontinue driving and training for 5ks and we'll have be very vigilant again about falling now that he can't use one whole arm and shoulder for balance. Stairs that only have left hand railings are going to be troublesome.

We opted out of speaking and starting work today and hope to pick it up again next week after a visit with an orthopedic doctor on Monday.

These things happen. We're in an enforced "slow down" and that doesn't have to be all bad.

Chuck has been relatively comfortable today with a combination of ice, medication and staying relatively still in an easy chair. We'll roll with it.

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