Saturday, August 22, 2009

8/22 Checking in after a day with my Findlay girls

Chuck is well today and slept through the night. He took a short tumble out of the bed at six this morning. No harm. He told me nothing hurt and that he was fine. We had good, private conversation and quality time over several hours this morning. Ellen and Sal stopped by with pictures and chocolate zucchini bread. Jean Hamed is doing a 5-9 shift and hoping to play cards with Chuck. I'll be back to see him after I post this.

I spent the whole afternoon with my best girls from Findlay, Liz, Lori and Eileen. Nothing like being around women who just know you. They bought me Mexican food for lunch and Diamond Grill for dinner, listened to all my stuff, visited with Chuck (he recognized and hugged Eileen and acknowledged Liz and Lori with his eyes), wrote me a to-do list, and helped me brainstorm ways to think about the near future. These are plain-spoken women who've known me 15 years and boy did we laugh and say things too loudly in restaurants and have to hush up. They brought me an island of love, laughter, respite and help.

Might have more later. Love to all.

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