Monday, August 31, 2009

8/31 Translation please (exchange student from Columbia)

Hola Chuck
Te comparto mi energia en estos momentos dificiles que atraviezas, cuando supe que te habias casado con Auburn senti un gran alivio, porque al final alguien de buen corazon y con una gran energia habia llegado a la familia sheaffer, ojala que todo en la vida fuera felicidad y alegria, pero sabemos que somos humanos y podemos ser heridos, pero yo se dentro de mi corazon que todavia tienes muchas cosas por disfrutar con Auburn y Mandela. Eres un hombre de bien, un hombre que debe despertar y seguir compartiendo ese amor por Dios.Diego

Hi Chuck
I share my energy in that passes through these difficult times, when I learned that you had married Auburn felt a great relief, because in the end someone of good heart and great energy had reached the Sheaffer family, hopefully everything in life is happiness and joy, but we know that we are human and can be injured, but I know in my heart that you still have many things to enjoy with Auburn and Mandela. You're a good man, a man who must wake up and continue to share that love Dios.Diego

From Google Translate service.

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