Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 Chuck's note to his siblings

To Nea, Becky, Bill and Barb,
Hello Barb. I'm doing fine. Doing fine. I want to tell you that I want to do fine. I want to do a lot to walk around. Thank you for your love and your appreciation.


  1. I am so amazed each time I check the blog and see how far you have come since your assault! God is so good and I am looking forward to seeing how God will continue to bless you!

    Tera Secord

  2. We're so happy to see the progress you are making Chuck. We pray that you'll continue to get better. You have a lovely family. So enjoyed looking at all the photos. Loved the one with you as a little guy in front of the Bible with you smile and dimples showing. Love, Dave & Cherie Coolidge

  3. Chuck,

    Marcy and I continue to pray for God's healing touch on your body. I have been so encouraged watching your progress. We will continue to pray for you.

    David Guess
