Sunday, October 25, 2009

10/26 Bless you, Barberton Community Foundation

The Barberton Community Foundation has agreed to take our Barberton home off of our hands.

This is a bittersweet blessing and a great relief.

Tom Harnden tells me that a number of very good people were responsible for influencing this decision and I appreciate every one of them. I will carry with me always the memory of the looks of kindness, compassion and support I saw in the faces of so many gathered at that Thursday meeting.

Thank you Barberton. Thank you Board. Thanks Tom and Ric. We hope you have been blessed in some way through association with us as we have been by you.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God that the Barberton Community Foundation made this decision on your behalf.
    One step at a time, and God will remove the stumbling blocks in your new path....
    He is Good.
    Jean Hamed
