Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11/11 A Good Day Subbing/Chuck's new phone

Well I was relieved to have a genuinely fun day today subbing for the vocal music teacher at Barterton High School for 1/2 day. The kids treated me to a 5-part a cappella version of the National Anthem, I taught a round to the freshmen (a Hebrew folk tune) and I enjoyed conversations with a young improvisational pianist named Marquis and a young musician/dancer named Alex.

I had Chet's grand-daughter in one of my classes and recognized several other kids' names from Chuck's different committees.

I can "do" high school. I know how to have fun at it and how to help kids have fun growing and learning. Note to self: do not sub for Kindergarten.

Chuck just beamed to see that I'd had a good day.

However, lots of empty, awful hours for Chuck still while we try to get his schedule in place. Tomorrow we'll be guests at a Salvation Army Ladies Auxillary function (of which Chuck is the only male member) and we continue to receive invitations from different service clubs and gatherings.

I got Chuck's newer, simpler phone (Nea's) turned on today. Just waiting to see if it will hold a charge before we try to go live with his new number.

1 comment:

  1. Auburn, Call me tonight...I am home! So sorry to be short with you this morning...Remember, Chuck and you are our guests at the Rotary Christmas Dinner on Wednesday, December 9th. Chuck is welcome to speak.
