Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March Update 3/24

Chuck preaching a message "A New Way of Seeing," April 11, at Goodyear Heights Presbyterian Church, 1430 Goodyear Blvd., Akron 9 am and 11 am. Brother Bill Sandstrom (of Atlanta) will lead worship with many family members from around the country contributing.

Chuck and Auburn singing in two Easter Cantatas (Goodyear Heights Maundy Thursday and Kiwanis Singers Good Friday). Attending a Hudson theater performance featuring Gershwin music with cousin Paul Homberg.

Chuck helping Victim's Assistance raise awareness and dollars with multiple speaking engagements and powerful video (available soon on Youtube). His appearance at the March 6 banquet created a sensation and the organization made up for a shortfall of many thousands after he spoke.

Chuck helping Red Cross raise awareness and dollars at a June banquet at Infocision stadium

Chuck to take some driver's tests to determine readiness, considering joining Bob Frutchey's brass ensemble and lining up golf dates with friends from Hudson Clocktower Rotary.

Chuck actively seeking full-time, insurance-bearing employment while helping with development of outpatient TBI rehab model and attending advisory development board meetings for Salvation Army. According to Capt. Jim Betts, they have flourished with direction Chuck set some years back and are glad to have him back in the conversation.

Chuck working out with a trainer 3x/week, attending outpatient Occupational Therapy and Water therapy.

Auburn planning a 4 week writing retreat this summer. She'll travel to Iowa City to meet with a mentor and resume work on a novel and other projects that were temporarily sidelined. Chuck to visit family in Texas and Cleveland.

Auburn has rewritten resume to highlight marketing, fundraising and entrepreneurial experience. Auburn looking for volunteer assistant to help with documentation of Chuck's progress and other administrative work related to helping other TBI survivors.

1 comment:

  1. We are pleased to welcome Chuck to the pulpit April 11th the Sunday after Easter.
