Wednesday, October 14, 2009

10/14 The Cavalry's Coming

At every juncture when I've gotten really frayed around the edges and in danger of losing my perspective, Becky Sandstrom rides in to save the day. And she's doing it again next week for several days. She knows how to breeze in and completely inhabit our world with laughter and help. She's not squeamish (and neither is Chuck) about helping out in the more personal ways.

I get blue with the season changes and this year is no different, so friends, do come visit Chuck, take him places, run him to his appointments. Don't let Chuck stay trapped in the same space with a melancholy woman. Example: I'm at the piano trying to play a meditative Chopin prelude; Chuck's upstairs hollering, "NET BED MAN!" and cracking up. You see how it is.

We're in a season of recommitment to our faith, learning where life and hope live for us, and letting spiritual shifts occur on deeper levels. It's becoming more clear to us where to let go and where to cling.

I find myself drawn to simplification, eliminating clutter, clearing spaces. I'm noticing quiet rhythms in the day, times when rest and reflection are possible. I'm letting go of striving, recognizing a great need for self-care and restoration, trusting the process, believing in the love between us and all around us.

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